Devil's Lettuce
THC 20-25%
Sativa 40%
Indica 60%
Regular priceThey tried to warn you in 1936, but you’re a little sinner aren’t ya? Which makes you the perfect consumer for Golden Shores’ hotter than hell strain: Devil’s Lettuce. This 60% indica hybrid will have your body sinking down all nine circles of your couch as your worries are set ablaze. You’ll feel the body relaxing effects quickly spread from the back of your head with the first toke and each after will increase the feeling until not even God herself can raise you up. So, what are you waiting for? Go to hell with one of Golden Shores’ strongest strains The Devils Lettuce
Devil’s Lettuce is recognizable by its dark purple color and fire orange pistils, giving the bud an almost black and red appearance like its namesake. The scent can be described as cheesy sweet with a very similar flavor. Because of Devil’s Lettuce’s intensity, it is recommended this strain be consumed at home and in a relaxing environment.
Relaxed | Sleepy | Calm
Helps With
Insomnia | Anxiety | Depression | Inflammation
Cheesy | Sweet | Spicy
Citrus | Cheesy | Sweet